Day 61
Dear Mr. President,
Let me get this straight… House Majority Leader Eric Cantor suggested the Republicans might be interested in a possible tax compromise, and saying that they could agree to “closing some tax breaks” in a budget deal as long as they were offset with tax cuts elsewhere? Since when does “closing loopholes” equate to a tax hike?
So what exactly does that mean… that they will agree to “give up” something they shouldn’t be getting in the first place as long as you agree to cut more from programs that have already been cut? Is that what Republicans mean by “shared sacrifice?”
And then we hear that if the debt ceiling is not raised by August 2nd that the US could either miss some debt repayments or be ‘forced into cutting off major government benefits including Social Security checks.’
So what exactly does that mean… that instead of not paying our creditors what we borrowed, so instead we will not pay our seniors, or the disabled, or other groups receiving government assistance? Is this more of the “shared sacrifice” they are talking about? Have the recipients of Social Security gotten us into this mess? No! So why should their checks be on the chopping block? The answer is… they shouldn’t.
When is this charade of Republican cooperation going to end? When are you going to insist that the loopholes be closed, and the top 1% pay their fair share of the taxes? When are you going to call the Republicans bluff on raising the debt ceiling?
I have a suggestion Mr. President… make it perfectly clear to the Republicans and the Democrats that if they do not raise the debt ceiling and agree to “your” terms that the only ones that will be cut from the ‘government payroll’ will be their salaries… their perks… there daily per diem… their travel allowances… and their retirement which is partially funded through taxes. And further tell them that the money they lose will NOT be repaid at a later date… that in fact it will be used to pay our debts.
Tough talk just isn’t cutting it anymore. This is not the ‘campaign trail’ you’re on, you’re already in the White House, you have been elected as President… isn’t it time you used the ‘bully pulpit’ and start making some decisions that will turn this do-nothing Congress on it’s head. Isn’t it time they all got a good kick in the behind? You’re the ‘man’… just do it!
You have already ‘compromised’ with the GOP enough, now is the time to show them who you are and who you represent… you represent THE PEOPLE… now is the time to stop talking about it and just do it!
Most Respectfully,
Your Gadfly Granny
Marcia Reimers
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