What is Washboard Express?

Washboard Express is a way for me to express my own opinions, to be a provocative gadfly, by writing a "letter a day" to the President. I may miss a day here and there, because sometimes my family with be my first priority, but my goal is to write a total of 365 letters, representing one full year. To say I have opinions about most things would be to understate the obvious. Those of you that know me, know this is true, those who don't know me, will learn that it's true. The Washboard is a reference to going back to basics and "keeping it clean," so if you would like me to post your comments or opinions on this blog, I only ask that you be respectful. So go ahead, express yourself, and I look forward to an exchange of ideas and opinions.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Letter #132... Dear Mr. President... A Promise Kept, and One We Need.

Dear Mr. President:

It’s been about a week since my last letter, but like most Americans I’ve been a little busy this year. Not with the hustle and bustle of the holidays, because we keep it relatively simple by just buying gifts for our nine grand children, but with health related issues of family members.

Yea... they'll be home for Christmas!
So this letter is really about two things… first and foremost is my eternal gratitude that all of our troops in Iraq will be home for the holidays. This is first not because it is the most important thing in my life at the moment, but because it affects so many more lives.

The mothers who will be able to rest now, knowing that their sons and daughters are out of immediate danger. The wives that will be able to go to bed at night with their husbands lying safely beside them… even if they may be suffering from PTSS, or other maladies related to the war, because at least now they can work on the problems together, as a family. The brothers and sisters that have their sibling restored to their lives even if they’re miles apart… at least they know that sibling is once again out of harms way. And then there’s the children… the children that no longer have to go to school, or go to bed wondering if mom or dad will ever come home. I can’t even imagine how stressful that must be on children, especially since they hear so many stories of parents that don’t return home.

Not home for the holidays
So thank you for keeping the promise you made during your inaugural address… it may have taken longer than any of us imagined, but it is a promise kept. In addition, it was done in an orderly methodical way that benefitted not just our soldiers but the Iraqi’s as well… and thank you very much… done without all the “Mission Accomplished” false bravado exhibited by GWB on the USS Abraham Lincoln, back in 2003.

Secondly… once again I am grateful for Medicare and the benefits it has afforded my family. Most specifically my son Jeff who’s on disability has just recently been diagnosed with a very aggressive form of pancreatic cancer. He’s one of those people that for whatever reason (we joke that if it weren’t for bad luck, he’d have no luck at all), has been plagued with health problem since he was in his teens. He had a kidney transplant at 20, lens implants for cataracts in his 20’s, bi-lateral hip replacements in his 20’s and again in his 30’s, and now this devastating diagnosis.

But on the positive side… he’s been covered by Medicare and had excellent care, and for this, I am extremely grateful. I know of too many people that do not have any insurance and are suffering because they lack the basic resources so necessary to fight, or even manage the ravages of cancer. So in one sense, Jeff is one of the lucky ones… and for the rest that aren’t as lucky… you must work to change the status quo and either provide Universal Health Care, or expand Medicare to cover those without insurance, before the end of your next term in office. Yes, I said your 'next term' because you will be re-elected.

Remember that health care is a 'basic necessity' for everyone… not a right or a privilege for  just the rich and well off. Please work on that Mr. President, and thanks again for all you do.

Most Respectfully, 

Marcia Reimers, 
Your Gadfly Granny

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